  • 期刊


Literature is deep because of faith: On the Religious Conversion of Wang Dingjun's Literary Ideal




As far as the current research on Wang Dingjun is concerned, the research from the perspective of religious feelings is far from enough. Based on this thesis, I hope to discuss the author's creative origin and ideas from the perspective of religious conversion. The so-called "religious conversion of literary ideals" ideological system, on the one hand, enhances the connotation of literature with religious teaching and evidence, and on the other hand embraces literature with religious beliefs. At this point, Wang Dingjun has a clear creative thinking system, but these thoughts are scattered in different works and chapters. This requires the researcher to summarize and classify fragments that seem to be scattered through scientific methods to summarize and classify them. The homogeneous expositions in different chapters are arranged to construct the ideological system of "religious conversion of literary ideals" and explain the connotation spirit of his literary creation concept which absorbed religious feelings.


俞平伯:〈重印《人間詞話》序〉,王國維《人間詞話》,台北:新世界出版社,2012 年 9 月。
陳良運主編:《中國歷代詩學論著選》,南昌:百花洲文藝出版社,1998 年 12 月。
馮天策:《信仰導論》,南寧:廣西人民出版社,1992 年。
謝有順:《話語的德行》,海南:海南出版社,2002 年。
(法)雨果著: 柳鳴九譯,《雨果論文學》,上海:上海譯文出版社,2011 年 4 月。
