  • 期刊


The Initial Study for Developing Self-reporting Instruments for Military Pilots


由過去研究及文獻可發現,壓力往往會影響個人的能力與表現,而國軍空勤人員不僅培訓不易,且須擔負保家衛國之使命,故飛行安全更顯重要。本研究目的爲發展國軍空勤人員壓力自我檢視量表,以協助國軍空勤人員瞭解自身目前所承受的壓力指數爲何,試圖篩選高壓力人員,予以輔導與協助,以達降低人爲失誤因素肇生,提升飛行安全。研究過程分爲二階段,第一階段爲確認空勤人員壓力來源,採扎根理論研究方法,訪談陸航飛行員11員,經逐步資料分析精鍊與評分者信度考驗,建立由「個人感受」、「生活事件」、「工作任務」、「組織管理」及「飛安事件影響」等5項壓力來源所組成之「陸航飛行員壓力連動模型」理論模型。第二階段爲發展國軍空勤人員壓力自我檢視量表,以陸航飛行員壓力連動模型理論模型爲基礎,編製題數爲71題之量表。預試樣本爲各軍種現職空勤人員計34員,飛行時數自580小時至3600小時,階級包含上尉至中校等各階軍官。預試獲有效問卷34份,經統計分析及信度考驗進行刪題,將原量表71題刪減爲55題,總量表Cronbach's α值爲0.951。後續研究將使用BSRS量表及心情感受自我檢核表爲效標進行效度檢定,並擴大施測各軍空勤部隊,以期建立國軍空勤人員壓力指數常模。


It can be found in previous research that stress will affect individual's performance and behavior. Military pilots are precious for professional tactical training and performing their missions and responsibilities to protect our country, so their safety is very important. The objective of this research is to develop the training program for dealing with flight stress, which is to assist military pilots to management their stresses and try to find high stress crew to accept following counseling and assistance. Reducing stress and promote self confidence can minimize human errors and increase flight safety. This research can separated into two parts, the first part is to identify the stressors for military pilots. According to grounded theory, 11 military pilots were interviewed. Based on qualitative data, ”ripple model of flight crew stress” was established. The model originated from 5 stressors including individual experience, living events, mission, organization management, and influence of aviation accidents. The second part of this research is to develop self-evaluation format of military pilots which is based on ”ripple model of flight crew stress”, and the scale consisting with 71 questions. The participants include 34 military pilots, flying hour between 580 and 3600 hours, and rank from captain to lieutenant. According to analysis, the question in original scale was decreased from 71 to 55. Cronbach's α is 0.951. This research applies BSRS scale and ”feeling self-check form” as validity index. It is expected to establish the normal for all military pilots for developing the efficient training program of stress management.


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