  • 期刊


Embedding Foresight in Planning of S&T Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction




The particular geographical location and geological properties of Taiwan mean that this island frequently exposes to natural disasters, such as typhoons and earthquakes, and it is more sensitive to their impacts than for other regions. Constantly, extreme weather events brought serious damages and consequences to Taiwan. Therefore, the issues of disaster reduction and management are very important for Taiwan, and it leads to an emerging need of S&T policy planning for disaster reduction. The conventional considerations for resource allocations and investment for the R&D of disaster deduction and management based on the existing problems of disaster under the trends of socio-economic development, it may lack the integrated thinking to deal with the more complicated and severe disasters for future society. Transforming the planning of disaster prevention technology to a proactive mode from reactive mode, it enhances the robustness of S&T policy for disaster risk reduction. In this study, we reviewed the experiences of foresight of the planning of S&T Policy from United States, United Kingdom and other countries and also analyzed the design of the foresight process and their outcomes. A framework embedding foresight approach into the present planning process of S&T policy is proposed, and S&T policies of disaster reduction are suggested through the insight of the foreign experiences. As a result, the R&D resources can be more efficiently allocated for the investments of critical technologies for future scenarios. With the proposed planning process with foresight, the planning may progress toward the development of a more proactive disaster management system for Taiwan.


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