  • 期刊


A Study on Operational Risk Management of Community Security




This study sorted out the top 5 aspects for community security through literature review, including community health, community disaster preparedness and fire prevention, community domestic violence, community security service management, and community property management. Based on these 5 aspects, literature review was adopted to analyze the hazards for community security. In addition, the method of focus groups was performed to identify hazard, and the method of questionnaires was performed to conduct risk assessment. The results demonstrated that of 50 items of original hazards, 21 items were assessed at high risk, 25 items were assessed at moderate risk, and 4 items were assessed at low risk. Moreover, the method of depth interviews was performed to analyze risk control and risk control decisions. Finally, risk control was executed using simulation models. The findings of this study demonstrated that after adopting implemented risk controls simulation models, of 21 items with original high risk, only 2 remained high risks. The overall community security original average risk index (ARI) of 15.65 was also expected to be reduced to 6.01. The actual ARI was reduced to 6.39 with a decrease of 9.26 after simulating actual implemented risk controls, and the effect was significant.


衛生福利部統計處 (2014). 現住人口數按三段、六歲年齡組分, 人口數, 2015 年4 月23 日, 取自http://www.mohw.gov.tw/cht/DOS/Statistic.aspx?f_list_no=312&fod_list_no=4194
內政部統計處 (2014). 都市計畫區人口與密度, 內政統計年報, 2015 年4 月23 日,取自http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/year/list.htm
內政部營建署 (2014). 建築管理。營建統計年報, 2015 年4 月23 日, 取自http://www.cpami.gov.tw/chinese/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7302&Itemid=102


