  • 期刊


The Study of Consumers in Selecting Luxury Goods from a Non-Price Strategy Viewpoint


本研究以非價格策略觀點評選名牌精品之研究。經由相關文獻探討彙整,並透過德爾菲法(Delphi method) 、層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,AHP)來了解消費者評選名牌精品的關鍵因素。本研究採用問卷調查,以購買及使用名牌精品五年以上經驗者為範疇。問卷共發放40 份,回收40 份,無效問卷0 份,有效問卷40 份,回收率達100%。研究結果顯示,探討品牌商譽的建立、通路商的基礎評量、上下游整合策略等三項關鍵因素中,以品牌商譽的建立為最具關鍵之影響構面,通路商的基礎評量次之。用以評估關鍵因素的準則共有九項,前五大主要關鍵的評估準則為品牌化競爭策略、差異化競爭策略、會員俱樂部營銷策略、分配認知及產品品質。而較不具關鍵影響的評估準則為供貨來源與相互依賴程度。


The purpose of this study is to research consumers in selecting famous-brand fine works from a non-price strategy viewpoint.In order to realize the key factor of consumers in selecting famous-brand fine works through the use of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).It will also implement a literature review method and a compilation of expert opinion in outlining the consumers in selecting famous-brand fine works from a non-price strategy viewpoint. The use of an expert questionnaire method will be helpful to create an index that will ultimately be used with AHP to gauge the effectiveness of purchasing decision. A total of 40 questionnaires were sent to the users who had more than five years experience buying and using famous-brand fine works. A total of 40 were returned,with 40 valid ones,for a total of 100% return rate, and 100% validity rate. The result of this research showed the most important key is the building of brand goodwill. Meanwhile,the prior consideration key factor is distributor based assessment. The main crucial five indexes are as follows:brand competition strategy, differentiation strategy, club marketing strategy, allocation of cognitive,product quality. The less critical indexes are sources of supply, degree of interdependence.


Luxury Goods Brand Goodwill Differentiation AHP


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