  • 期刊


A Study on the Problems of the Community Infection Prevention and Controlling Mechanism and Feasible Countermeasures Caused by the New Coronavirus (COVID-19)




According to the report by Aljazeera, after the outbreaking of the new crown pneumonia in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, the COVID-19 has spreaded rapidly around the world. Although the COVID-19 infection situation has slowed down significantly in the summer of 2020, the second wave of COVID-19 epidemics has ignited in the autumn and winter. The death toll caused by the global new crown pneumonia has exceeded the 4.14 million mark, and the number of confirmed cases is close to 193 million, but the actual data may be higher than the official statistics.[1] In addition to devoting efforts to develop vaccines to cure the COVID-19 root cause, various countries have also spared no effort to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic through various methods and policies. Although Taiwan seems to be better than other countries in terms of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and controlling effectiveness, however, there are also several cases where the sources of infection cannot be found for the confirmed cases. Therefore, this article has discussed a series of problems faced by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) "community infection" prevention and controlling mechanism, such as whether universal screening on the border line should be adopted or not . This article also has discussed and probed the controversies , problems with COVID-19 testing efficiency, and the efficiency and suitability of the monitoring methods of home quarantine, home isolation, and independent health management, as well as the inspection of the timeliness and technology of domestic vaccine research and development, and even the recent outbreaking of nosocomial infection, in or der to execute the Re-examination for preventionand controlling mechanism, etc. This paper also has put forward several feasible response countermeasures and recommendations for the references of the government , civil organizations, individuals,and this society.


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