  • 期刊


A Study on the Motivation and Satisfaction of Spectator on Division I of 2014 University Basketball League


本研究旨在探討102 學年度大專籃球聯賽現場觀眾的人口背景、觀賞動機及滿意度的分布情形,並瞭解觀眾對觀賞動機及滿意度的差異情形,進而探討觀賞動機及滿意度之間的相關。本研究係利用問卷調查以大專籃球聯賽公開第一級的現場觀眾為研究對象,採便利抽樣方式實施問卷調查,共發放500 份問卷,剔除無效問卷後回收455 份有效樣本,回收率91 %。所得資料以描述性統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及積差相關等方式進行分析,研究結果顯示102 學年度大專籃球聯賽現場觀眾以女性多於男性,大多20 歲左右的大學生;運動頻率為每周一次(含)以下達到五成,觀賞過其他籃球賽事的觀眾則超過八成。觀賞動機方面以「現場氣氛與比賽內容」最高;滿意度方面以「現場環境體驗與交通」最高。性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、參與籃球之頻率及觀賞其他籃球賽事在觀賞動機各構面達顯著差異,性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、參與籃球之頻率及觀賞其他籃球賽事在滿意度各構面皆未達顯著差異。現場觀眾觀賞動機與滿意度呈現顯著正相關。


The purpose of this study was to explore spectators' distribution of demographic background, motivation, and satisfaction of the 2014 University Basketball League division I. It not only showed the differences of the motivation, and satisfaction among different demographic backgrounds, but analyzed the correlation between motivation and satisfaction. This study was based on questionnaires of the 2014 UBA men's division I. There were 500 questionnaires, but there were 455 valid questionnaires and the recovery rate was 91 percent. After using SPSS to analyze the valid questionnaires, the results were as following, in the 2014 UBA there were female spectators more than male spectators and their ages were mainly about 20-year-old college students. And 50 percent spectators' week exercise time was one or zero. However, 80 percent spectators had watched other basketball competitions. ‘The atmosphere and content of basketball game' was the top 1 motivation. ‘The experience of equipment and transportation' was the top 1 satisfaction. The spectators' gender, age, education background, occupation, the time of participating basketball activities and watch other basketball games were significantly differences in motivation, the spectators' gender, age, education background, occupation, and the time of participating basketball activities and watch other basketball games were lower differences in satisfaction, the motivation and satisfaction of spectator was directly correlation.
