  • 期刊


Effects of Acute Caffeine Supplementation on Pitching Performance in Women's Softball player


目的:本研究旨在探討單次咖啡因增補對女子壘球選手投球速度與投球準度的影響。方法:以16女性大學甲組壘球選手為研究對象。受試者分別接受三種不同實驗處理,包括咖啡因增補處理(CT)、安慰劑處理(P)與控制處理(CON)。本研究採用重複量數、平衡次序原則之實驗設計。受試者於實驗處理前1小時進行增補,於增補後1小時進行專項熱身,熱身後隨即進行實驗處理。運動表現測驗項目包括投球速度與投球準度。以重覆量數單因子變異數分析與LSD事後考驗進行統計分析。結果:在投球速度部分,於三種不同實驗處理間,皆未達顯著差異(p >. 05)。在投球準度部分,亦發現相同結果(p >. 05)。結論:本研究發現,透過單次200mg咖啡因增補,無法提升投球速度運動表現,亦無法增加投球準度表現。


增補劑 投球速度 投球準度


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effect of acute caffeine supplementation on the pitching speed and pitching accuracy of women's softball players. Methods: Sixteen female college softball athletes in Group A voluntarily participated in this study. All subjects were assigned to three treatments, included caffeine treatment (CT), placebo (P), and control (CON) treatments by randomized, balanced order designed. The subjects were supplemented 1 hour before the treatment, a warm-up was performed 1 hour after the supplement, and the treatment was performed immediately after the warm-up. Performance test include pitching speed and pitching accuracy. The data were analyzed by repeated one-way ANOVA and LSD post hoc test. Results: In the part of pitching speed, there was no significant difference among the three different experimental treatments (p >. 05). In the pitch accuracy part, the same result was also found (p >. 05). Conclusion: These results indicated that acute 200mg caffeine supplement could not improve pitching speed and pitch accuracy performance.


Supplements pitching speed pitching accuracy
