  • 期刊


Everyone should be a Moral Person-The Challeges and Strategies for School Moral Education




Moral education should suggest a fuller and more adequate model of development toward mature moral reflection and action. Then we should help children, young people, and adults understand that they are moral interpreters who receive or inherit traditions of moral thinking and practice.Parents, schools, an social institutions should help them understand that the first step of a moral decision is an act of hermeneutical interpretation; it involves asking, what is the meaning of the deeply coded practices that they have inherited? They should learn to inquire into the proper way to interpret these practices. They should learn to ask and understand these tradition of practice correctly, and the image of the good life and the narratives that give them meaning, they should be taught to be sensitive about whether their practices and the goods they embody conflict within themselves or conflict with, and perhaps destroy, the practices and goods of others.They should then learn to exercise some version of the principle of universalization. Finally, they should learn to return to the original situation to determine their narratives and the principle of universalization help reorder within the constraints of that context the conflict goods.The models of moral education are inextricably related to understanding and interpretation by the moral self. The models of moral thinking and action should guide our school, cultural, and social institutional effort to develop moral persons.


