  • 期刊


Shoring up Academic Ethics to Restore Faith in Higher Education


在台灣的教育與學術發展過程中,從未見到像最近五年來違反學術倫理之論文造假與不實研究之猖獗。此種引發國際關切的學術界空前醜聞不但導致臺大校長捲入風波,也使眾多知名學者及其人格廣受質疑;其作為有淪為學術犯罪(academic crimes)之虞,甚至逼迫部會首長黯然下台。學術倫理的逐漸式微,主要導致於各級學校對學術倫理教育的輕忽,以及社會不良風氣的影響。有鑑於「學術倫理是學者的第二生命」,標榜及培養學術倫理的學術研究方法核心課程,宜在大學部廣泛開設。因應學術倫理之廣泛培養,本文同時呼籲家庭倫理重建,以及政府教育評鑑制度內涵之改善。美國維吉尼亞大學訂定之「防範學術詐欺榮譽規範」(University of Virginia Honor Code against Academic Fraud),以及其他大學的宏觀倫理教育,將列為本文探討的參考。在國家積極推動國際人才培育、提升國際競爭力的過程中,此種培養學術倫理的全面策略與務實作為,是邁向高等教育國際化與提升學術研究品質不可或缺的全民共識。


Never before in the development of education and academia in Taiwan has there been a spate of academic fraud and ethical violations more alarming than those that have erupted in the past decade. The impact of the recent string of fabrication, plagiarism and blatant academic fraud has rocked the foundations of Taiwan's institutions of higher learning, tarnishing the reputation of many a recognized scholar, placing even the scholarly writings of the president of Taiwan's top university under increased scrutiny, making clear that it is high time for a comprehensive review of the instruction and implementation of academic ethics in educational institutions across the island. This paper aims at analyzing the main causes of the current ethical dilemma, and in the meantime, proposes some preventive and remedial strategies through the instruction and practice of academic ethics at various level of education. Exemplary practices such as the University of Virginia's establishment of an "Honor Code against Academic Fraud" and other models enforced elsewhere will be explored. It is argued also that instruction in academic ethics should be promoted in the family, and ought to form part of government-level assessment and accreditation of educational institutions.
