  • 期刊


Estimation of the Fugitive Dust Emission Factor for Sand-Dredging the Chen-Yu-Lan River, Nantou County, Taiwan


砂石疏濬工程衍生之粒狀污染物,常會嚴重影響週遭環境之空氣品質,為了解疏濬工程粒狀污染物的逸散情形,並推估疏濬工程粒狀污染物的排放係數,本研究乃選擇南投縣「陳有蘭溪十八重溪匯流處下游」疏濬作業現場作為調查對象,本研究於該疏濬作業場所進行總懸浮微粒(total suspended particle, TSP)與砂石車流量之現場監測,TSP之監測係於每各監測點以每一小時進行一點次監測,而車流量監測係於每各監測點以每一小時進行雙向共兩點次之監測,總計共監測TSP 60個點次與車流量120個點次,根據上述各項現場監測值,本研究計算推估出「陳有蘭溪十八重溪匯流處下游」疏濬工程之粒狀污染物排放係數為0.045 kg/立方公尺,亦即平均每疏濬1立方公尺之砂石會產生0.045kg之粒狀污染物。


Periodic dredging is needed to clean the sand and gravel deposited in a river; however, due to the associated dust emission problem, nearby residents typically complain profusely about the dredging process. To better understand dust emission behavior during the dredging procedure, the Chen-Yu-Lan River, Nantou County, Taiwan, was selected as the site for this study. The fugitive dust emission factor for dredging this river was calculated by on-site field measurements of the TSP (total suspended particulates) and the number of trucks. The results of this study indicate that the fugitive dust emission factor for dredging the Chen-Yu-Lan River is 0.045 kg/m^3, meaning that 0.045 kg of fugitive dust will be emitted for each 1 m^3 of sand during the procedure.
