  • 期刊


Heat Transfer in an Electro-Moxibustion Cup for Traditional Chinese Medical Therapy


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) consists of a range of established therapeutic practices developed over several thousand years in China. Utilizing mainly heat, clinical treatments and therapies in TCM typically include acupuncture in conjunction with moxibustion and cupping. These techniques are characterized by their amazingly rapid achievement of the desired results by the application of heat. Because moxibustion often includes the burning of moxa or the mugwort herb, patients who have respiratoy problems should avoid inhaling the smoke. The cupping treatment is accomplished by applying heat to certain external areas of the body; however, this therapy carries the risk of burning the patient when not carefully executed. The aim of this research was to use ANSYS software to study heat transfer in a newly designed electro-moxibustion cup and investigate TCM therapies focusing on moxibustion, cupping and zhenjiuology. Among the results, the new cup was found to be subject to the aspect ratio H/D=2.3 and the temperature ratio To/T(subscript ∞) < 10; moreover, the heat transfer mechanism was observed as varying along the axial direction. Normal heat conduction to the skin is relatively small; hence, the heat transfer mechanism is dominated by heat convection.


針灸 灸療 拔罐 電灸罐 熱傳遞


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) consists of a range of established therapeutic practices developed over several thousand years in China. Utilizing mainly heat, clinical treatments and therapies in TCM typically include acupuncture in conjunction with moxibustion and cupping. These techniques are characterized by their amazingly rapid achievement of the desired results by the application of heat. Because moxibustion often includes the burning of moxa or the mugwort herb, patients who have respiratoy problems should avoid inhaling the smoke. The cupping treatment is accomplished by applying heat to certain external areas of the body; however, this therapy carries the risk of burning the patient when not carefully executed. The aim of this research was to use ANSYS software to study heat transfer in a newly designed electro-moxibustion cup and investigate TCM therapies focusing on moxibustion, cupping and zhenjiuology. Among the results, the new cup was found to be subject to the aspect ratio H/D=2.3 and the temperature ratio To/T(subscript ∞) < 10; moreover, the heat transfer mechanism was observed as varying along the axial direction. Normal heat conduction to the skin is relatively small; hence, the heat transfer mechanism is dominated by heat convection.


