  • 期刊


A Study of the Effects of Sports-Tourism Features on Tourists' Perceived Value and Satisfaction


運動觀光已是未來觀光產業發展潮流,然遊客會根據其認知價值,決定其旅遊行為。過去文獻對此所做實證並不多見,且大多僅限於各因素間的直接關係,甚少明確指出認知價值之做為中介變數所造成的間接影響。 本研究結果驗證了運動觀光愈具特色時,遊客所認知的價值就會愈高,同時也具較高的忠誠度。而認知價值程度愈大,即遊客所感受到的滿意程度愈高,其總影響效果顯著增加,符合先前研究者(Keller, 1993; Tax & Brown, 1998; Andreas & Wolfgang, 2002)的研究結果,滿意度與認知價值可區分為兩種不同構面卻有互補效果,但與Swadding and Miller (2002)認為認知價值可取代滿意度的看法迴異。研究結果意涵保護原有的地理景觀特色,並透過運動行銷強化廣泛宣傳,以符合遊客需求,提供遊客更高的價值感受,可創造觀光地區更大的競爭優勢。 外國籍遊客對「認知價值」「觀光特色」程度高於本國籍遊客,推論外國籍遊客對國內觀光地區並不熟悉,故當有特色的活動舉辦時會誘使他們參與。「月平均收入」較高者比較低者有較強的「認知價值」,因平均收入較高者較有餘力參與休閒活動;女性對「觀光特色」同意程度差異較男性遊客高。推論女性較在乎觀光地區是否具有特色,其結果有助於業者做市場行銷區隔。


Sports tourism has become a trend for future development of the tourism industry. However, tourists choose their behaviors on the basis of their respective perceived values. The literature on this topic is scarce, being limited mostly to discussions of direct relationships between different factors but not clearly identifying the types of direct effects caused by moderately perceived values. The results of this study, exemplified by a swimming event at Sun Moon Lake in Central Taiwan, verified that the more features sports tourism has, the higher both the tourists' perceived value and their loyalty. Moreover, the higher the tourists' perceived value is, the higher their satisfaction level will become. This overall effect increased significantly, thus confirming the findings of previous researchers (Keller, 1993; Tax & Brown, 1998; Andreas & Wolfgang, 2002). Satisfaction and perceived value are two different constructs, yet they compensate each other. However, this observation is different from that of Swaddling and Miller (2002), who found that perceived value can replace satisfaction. Therefore, more competitive advantages can be created in tourist attractions by protecting the original geological features and strengthening promotion through sports marketing to meet tourists’ demands and enhance their perceived values. The results also indicated that foreign tourists in Taiwan have higher ”perceived values” and ”attraction features” than those of native tourists. It can be reasoned that foreign tourists are not familiar with local tourist attractions; hence, local and unique activities will attract foreigners' participation. Tourists who have a higher monthly income have a stronger ”perceived value” than those who have a lower income. Higher-income tourists have more resources for participating in recreational activities. Furthermore, female tourists exhibited more differences than males in terms of agreement on ”attraction features.” Thus, it can be reasoned that females care more about whether a tourist attraction has distinguishable features. This result can help business owners to adjust their marketing strategies.


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