  • 期刊


Exploring Electoral Candidates' Image Restoration Strategies-As the Example of Chou, Hsi-Wei in the 2005 Magistrate Election of Taipei County


本研究從語藝觀點出發,以Bradford and Garrett (1995)提出的「回應溝通模型」與Benoit(1997)發表的「形象修護策略」為分析架構,探討周錫瑋參選2005年台北縣長期間,危機情境、策略及效果三者之間的關連性。本研究採內容分析法及深入訪談法,探討周錫瑋在競選期間所遭遇重大危機事件時採用的形象修護策略。主要發現包括:1.選舉危機中,發現新的形象修護策略—「自清」;2.「反擊對手」為周錫瑋在選戰中主要的回應策略;3.Bradford and Garrett之情境與策略對應關係,不全然適用於競選危機;4.回應一致性影響策略使用效果;5.掌握可靠證據,是「反擊對手」策略奏效的關鍵;6.受控者與選民對情境認知不一致時,可能影響形象修護之效果。


Based on the rhetorical perspective, this study adopted Bradford and Garrett's (1995) corporate communication response model, as well as Benoit's image restoration strategies(1997) as the analysis framework to explore the relationship among the crisis situation, crisis image restoration strategies and media effects of strategies of Chou, Hsi-Wei during the magistrate election in 2005.This study chose three of Chou's crisis events to analyze image restpration strategies by means of content analysis and in-depth interview. There are some findings in this research: 1. Aside from the existed strategies, this study found new crisis image restoration strategies that self-clearing. 2. Reducing offensiveness is the body of the image restoration strategies in campaign crisis. 3. The crisis situation relating with crisis response, Bradford and Garrett's corporate communication response model, can not apply to all crisis event. 4. Respond the consistency influence strategy usage result. 5. The key point of the reducing offensiveness can show result is controlling the dependable evidence. 6. When an accused actor's cognition is different from voters, the result of image restoration strategies can be effected.


