  • 期刊


A Qualitative Research of Customer Behavior on Box Meals through Grounded Theory Approach


近年來,隨著社會經濟結構與人民生活型態轉變,台灣餐盒產業市場龐大商業逐漸浮現。本文採用質性研究之紮根理論(Grounded Theory)方法論,透過深入訪談方式收集資料,並以開放編碼、主軸編碼與選譯編碼三階段編碼方式,探索目前缺乏整體性研究之餐盒產業品質因子及消費者行為,最後以量化問卷調查驗證紮根理論之研究結果,以期探討餐盒產業品質因子、消費者滿意度與購買意願間之關聯。研究結果發現,適用於衡量餐盒產業之消費者滿意度因子包含,食物口味、衛生因素、店員服務、硬體設備及食物品質,此五項因子顯著影響顧客滿意度進而影響購買意願。文中將根據研究發現,提出適當之管理意涵供餐盒業者擬訂策略之參考。


While many studies report box meals industry have created huge profits in recent years, little is known about what factors contribute to consumer satisfaction and intention to buy. This study adopts the grounded theory approach to explore this important area of research. The data was gathered for this study primarily consisted of semi-structured in-depth interviews. Additionally, the coding process including open coding, axial coding and selective coding was employed to develop a proposal model. Consequently, quantitative statistics was utilized to verify the proposed model. The proposed model was empirically evaluated using survey data collected from 383 consumers about their perceptions of box meals. The results indicate that food taste, sanitation, service, facility, and food quality positively influence consumers' satisfaction, and then affect their intention to buy. The implications of this study for both researchers and practitioners are discussed.


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