  • 期刊


Re-examining the Effects of Salespersons' Trait Competitiveness on Sales Performance: The Moderating Roles of Competitive Psychological Climate and Customer Demandingness


銷售人員的好競爭特質是廣被視為能有效預測銷售績效的人格變項之一。惟好競爭特質是如何導致較佳銷售績效?在何種情況下最能導致較佳銷售績效呢?本研究以壽險業務員及其直屬主管為問卷調查對象,採三源施測設計,共回收199 份有效配對回卷。迴歸分析顯示,銷售人員的好競爭特質會透過銷售努力的完全中介,間接正向影響銷售績效。惟進一步的條件式間接效果考驗則顯示,只有在中、高競爭心理氣氛(或中、低顧客嚴苛度)時,好競爭特質才會透過銷售努力的中介間接影響銷售績效;在低競爭心理氣氛(或高顧客嚴苛度)時,好競爭特質對銷售績效的間接影響則不顯著。最後,本研究依據實證結果提出數點管理建議供銷售經理、及人力資源部門參考。


Trait competitiveness of salespeople is widely regarded as one of the personality variables effectively forecasting sales performance. However, what are the mediating mechanisms and under what circumstances can trait competitiveness lead to a better sales performance? Clarifying these two issues would be a great help for the recruitment, management, and motivation of salespeople, and enhancing the competitiveness of the sales organizations. The study, selecting sales effort as mediating variable, explores the linkage among salespersons' trait competitiveness, sales effort, and performance, and the moderating effects of competitive psychological climate and customer demandingness perceived by salespeople on the linkage. 199 supervisor-salesperson dyads from four life insurance companies in Taiwan were sampled as subjects. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that trait competitiveness of the sales staff is fully indirect impact sales performance through sales effort. Moderated regression analysis indicated that only under conditions of middle and high competitive psychological climate (or low and middle customer demandingness), trait competitiveness has significantly positive relationship to sales effort, and has significantly indirect impact on sales performance. Finally, academic implications, managerial suggestions, directions for future research are suggested.


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