  • 期刊


The Study on Relationship between Brand Trust and Brand Loyalty of Smartphone: The Mediating Effects of Brand Love and Brand Involvement


產品功能日新月異,品牌替代性高,消費者沒有忠誠是常見現象。將消費者對品牌的好感變成摯愛,還是抓住消費者怕買錯品牌的心理,才是行銷的關鍵。本研究旨在探討品牌信任與品牌忠誠之間的關聯性,並以品牌愛慕及品牌涉入為中介變數,利用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行智慧型手機品牌之實證研究。研究發現信任對忠誠的影響路徑中:(1)愛慕與涉入為路徑的雙因子中介變項。(2)全體樣本下愛慕與涉入扮演部分中介角色,但相同及更換品牌樣本下為完全中介角色。(3)信任對更換品牌者的愛慕影響大,但對相同品牌者的涉入影響多。(4)相同手機品牌者,會注意廣告選出理想品牌,並對該品牌懷有好感;更換手機品牌者會比較品牌,在意品牌選擇結果,並對該品牌感覺不錯。


In the era of global competition with technology improvement and product updating becomes more and faster. Under the high substitution among competitive brands, how to turn consumers' favor to the brand into a love, or how to accurately grasp consumers who are afraid to buy the wrong brand, is the determinant to marketing for enterprises. This research utilized structural equation modeling to study smartphone brand. We investigated the relationship between brand trust and brand loyalty, using brand love and brand involvement as the mediating variables. The research results show that among the pathways in which brand trust affects brand loyalty: (1) In all samples, partial mediation effect of brand love is higher than that of brand involvement, and brand love also affects brand loyalty through brand involvement. (2) Under the same brand sample, brand love and brand involvement are full mediating roles, and brand involvement will also affect brand loyalty through brand love. (3) Under the brand change sample, brand love and brand involvement are full mediating roles, and brand love is more critical than brand involvement. (4) Consumers using the same brand, will pay attention to brand advertising and choose the correct brand name in mind, and then have a good impression on the smartphone brand; consumers who change brands, will compare different brands and care about the results of brand selection, and then feel that the smartphone brand is good.


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