  • 期刊


Improving the Completeness of Nursing Instruction of Cardiovascular Medication


急性心肌梗塞(Acute Myocardial Infarction,AMI)病人規則服藥可降低心血管疾病發生率及死亡風險。本專案旨為改善加護病房護理人員AMI藥物護理指導完整率。本小組發現病人接受心導管檢查後入住加護病房的藥物指導完整率僅41.3%,原因有護理人員對藥物及照護認知不足且未接受在職教育、以口述指導病人及新進人員、認為病人都知道藥物作用、提供藥物指導的時間有限、缺乏藥物指導教具及護理指導作業流程。因而進行改善包含舉辦在職教育、製作AMI藥物護理指導手冊、製播衛教影音光碟並制定急性心肌梗塞藥物指導執行流程。專案執行後,護理人員藥物指導完整率提昇至93.3%。本專案實施不僅讓AMI病人能獲得完整的藥物護理指導,護理人員亦可落實一致性的衛教,進而提升相關知識及技能。


Complete nursing instruction can provide patients with understanding of the effects as well as side effects of certain drug, and the importance of adequate drug compliance messages. The aim of the project was to improve the completeness of nursing instruction of medication for Acute myocardial infarction (AMI). We have found that the rate of complete nursing instruction for the patient with AMI who received coronary catherization was only 41.3%. The reasons were as follows: inadequate knowledge about the medication, inefficient continuous nursing education, lack of instruction tools and no instruction guidelines available in AICU. The methods for this project were as follow: holding continuous nursing education publishing nursing instruction manuals, as well as demonstration DVD, holding conference for how to use the instruction manuals, and regulating the process of health education. After the project, the date of complete nursing instruction has risen to 93.3%, the rate of satisfaction from the patient was 90%. We hope our experience can contribute to the improvement of nursing care in ICU.
