  • 期刊


Effects of Education via Multimedia using Successful Cases on Preoperative Anxiety for patients with Primary Spinal Surgery


本研究目的在探討合併成功案例之多媒體衛教光碟介入改善首次接受脊椎手術病人焦慮之成效。採類實驗性設計法,以立意取樣於中部某區域教學醫院骨科病房進行收案,實驗組和對照組各30 人,總計60 人。實驗組接受合併成功案例之多媒體衛教光碟介入,對照組接受常規單張衛教照護。以貝克焦慮量表及生理指標測量(血壓、呼吸、脈搏)為前後測評量工具,所收集的資料以SPSS for Windows 19.0 統計套裝軟體進行描述性及推論性統計分析。研究結果顯示,衛教前兩組同質性高,實驗組在衛教介入後於貝克焦慮後測得分顯著低於前測(Paired-t=15.78,p=. 00),收縮壓及舒張壓等指標在兩組之間則未達顯著差異。本研究結果證實,接受合併成功案例之多媒體衛教光碟對脊椎手術病人能有效降低術前焦慮,故建議醫療院所,未來可以利用合併成功案例之多媒體衛教光碟,作為病人各項護理衛教指導設計規劃的參考。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of Multimedia using Successful Cases on preoperative anxiety in patients undergoing primary spinal surgery. Quasi-experimental design was used with purposive sampling in an orthopedic ward of a general hospital in central Taiwan. Sixty patients were assigned to either experimental (n=30) or control (n=30) group. While the experimental group received the Multimedia, the control group received the traditional health education. The assessment tools for pretest and posttest included the Beck Anxiety Inventory and physiological indicators such as blood pressure, respiration rate, pulse rate. The Statistical Package of the Social Sciences Program (SPSS) for Windows 19.0 was used for descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. The results indicated that the two groups were homogenized and the experimental group significantly lowered their anxiety scores in post test (Paired-t=15.78, p=.00). No significant differences were observed between the 2 groups in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. The findings supported the use of Multimedia in planning patients before primary spinal surgery for reduction of anxiety.


吳祚光、鍾文珍、程麗玲、戴宏達(2009)‧脊椎手術壓瘡預防與減壓擺位裝置之探討‧榮總護理,26(2),121-126。 doi:10.6142/VGHN. 26.2.121
吳玉玲、高毓秀(2014)‧多媒體輔助教學介入對長期照護機構照顧服務員皮膟照護學習成效之研究‧護理雜誌,61(4),26-34。doi:10. 6224/JN.61.4.26
