  • 期刊


The Experience of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease to Maintain Healthy Life


目的:探討慢性腎臟病病人在獲知診斷後的維持其疾病與日常生活適應之生活經驗。方法:本研究係採質性研究,以一對一進行深度訪談北部某醫學中心,接受慢性腎臟病護理指導、且腎絲球過濾速率維持健康(穩定)的16 位病人,訪談內容以持續重複比較法進行分析。結果:訪談16 位病人,年齡介於31~85 歲,了解收案病人對罹患慢性腎臟病後之生活經驗;歸納出四大主題,主題分述如下:一、恆毅力執行運動及自我節制;二、自我管理健康進展;三、以有限的體力完成人生任務;四、為生活困境找尋出口。結論/實務應用:慢性腎臟病病人因無特殊症狀,但心情會隨腎臟抽血指數高低而起伏,擔心終究會走向透析一途。本研究結果建議相關照護人員於照護慢性腎臟病病人時,宜依病人病情詳盡告知,讓病人掌控自身的病程;鼓勵病人自訂自我照顧行為目標,使其能持續維護健康;討論其他維持良好病人實際健康的態度與具體執行行為,以供慢性腎臟病病人學習。研究結果可增加臨床護理人員對慢性腎臟病病人維持健康生活經驗了解,做為護理指導與介入疾病控制的依據。


Objective: Exploring the life experience of patients with chronic kidney disease after diagnosis, emphasizing disease and daily life adaptation. Methods: The study used descriptive theory and one-to-one interview to describe the experience for maintaining healthy life in 16 patients with chronic kidney disease. Results: The experience was summarized to 4 major topics: (1) self-control and adherence- Exercise regularly regardless of rain or shine; Appetite control - simple diet and limited water intake (2) self-management for health progress -- seeking the reliable and communicable medical team, good kidney index and loved family empowering life energy, self-control diet selection based on blood test (3) limited physical energy doing limited life tasks -- not being too busy, learning to letting go and birth one-child for maintaining offspring (4) seeking an outlet for relieving life difficulty --Religious supporting, relieving stress, needing adjustment for the fear of impending dialysis Conclusion/Clinical application: The patients with chronic kidney disease always worry about dialysis, even though no uremic symptom is noted. The patients’ emotion usually change rapidly with serum creatinine values. The results of this study suggest three major directions to nursing staffs: let patients realize personal disease and learn to control body condition; encourage patients to set up behavior goals for self-care and maintain personal health persistently;discuss successful cases with patients to learn and improve life behavior and atittude. The study provides much information for clinical nursing staffs to realize life experience of patients and shows evidences for improving nursing education and disease control.


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