  • 期刊


Nursing Care of Elderly Tracheostomy Patient with Community-Acquired Pneumonia




The onset of an ageing society in Taiwan has led to the prevailing phenomenon of ageing care-givers caring for elderly family members. This article describes home-based nursing care for an elderly tracheostomy patient with community-acquired pneumonia by a similarly elderly family member. For the nursing period 1 July to 25 July 2015, the authors employed bedside care, physical assessment, medical records review and telephone interviews to collect data before using Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns to analyze the data. The model discovered three different health issues i.e. ineffective airway clearance, impaired verbal communication, and caregiver role strain. The authors designed a treatment regimen based on the outcome of the nursing care involving multiple specialists, including a respiratory specialist to teach the patient correct breathing and airway clearing techniques and a vocal therapist to insert a speaking-valve into the patient’s tracheostomy and to train the patient to communicate through the device. This immediately resulted in decreased patient frustration due to an inability to communicate with others. In addition the authors developed tailor-made assistive teaching materials to improve the home care skills of the senior caregiver to also release caregiver stress. Family meetings were held to assess the patient's home-care needs, to integrate the multiple opinions of medical experts in the care regimen as well as to determine the necessary further assistance required by the patient based on the hospital discharge planning concept. This paper offers an insight into a continuing nursing care experience of an elderly tracheostomy patient with community- acquired pneumonia from hospital care to home-based care.


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