  • 期刊


Using Complementary Therapy With a Initially Diagnosed of Brain Tumor




This article described a newly diagnosed Brain cancer patient who experienced to waiting for the pathology, to accepting the disease, and then having to have an operation. The period of nursing care was from February 13 to March 26, 2017. Using the Gordon 11 healthy functional patterns as an assessment tool, information was collected through interviews, observations, attentive listening and physical examinations. Three health issues were identified: "anxiety/ related to disease condition", "pain/ related to surgical wound" and "readiness for enhanced knowledge/ related to home self-care". During the nursing process, the author provided caring and established a helping-trust relationship. The author applied a complementary therapy program including music therapy, aromatherapy and massage with essential oil to improve the patient's physical and mental states. Through these approaches, the patient learned to release stress, and to express his feelings, so that he could adapt to his current life, changed as it was by the illnesses, and face the impact of those illnesses with a positive attitude. The author would like to share this case report to provide nursing professionals with a source of reference for healthcare quality improvement.


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