  • 期刊


Nursing Care of Low Health Literacy with Chronic Wound Patients- A Literature Review


隨著增加老年人口的增加,慢性傷口的盛行已經變成重要的公共衛生議題。慢性傷口要癒合,健康資訊獲得、理解與運用是重要的關鍵,這種獲取、理解和反應醫療訊息的能力被定義為健康識能。面對低健康識能(Low Health Literacy, LHL)的慢性傷口者,設法改善LHL的問題非常重要。目前對於LHL的慢性傷口者照護文章較缺乏,故本文透過文獻查證來探討LHL與慢性傷口的定義、生理病理機轉、相關導因、臨床評估和照護,期冀可讓護理人員知道如何辨識、評估和照護,以提升病人之健康識能及促進其慢性傷口之癒合。


低健康識能 慢性傷口 照護


As the elderly population increased, the prevalence of chronic wounds has become an important public health issue. The acquisition, understanding, and use of wound care information are important for the chronic wound healing. This ability to acquire, understand, and respond to healthcare information is health literacy. To care chronic wound patients with low health literacy, it is very important to improve the low health literacy problem, which the health care professionals should pay attention to. There is a lack of articles on this subject. Through the literature review, this article aims to understand the definition of low health literacy and chronic wounds, the model of health literacy, and the pathophysiology of chronic wounds, clinical assessment and practice. It can make health caregivers know how to identify, evaluate, and care chronic wound patients with low health literacy and to improve the patients' health literacy, that promotes wound healing and prevents recurrence.


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