  • 期刊


Development of clinical practice guideline for nonpharmacological interventions on clinical management of sleep disturbance in older adults




Sleep disturbance is a common problem among older adults. It leads to poor quality of life as well as cognitive and emotional impairments. Additionally, it increases the risks of functional decline and fall-related injuries. The aim of this study was to develop evidence-based clinical practical guidelines for nonpharmacological interventions for older adults with sleep disturbances. A panel was formed at a medical center in southern Taiwan, and a systematic review of existing evidence-based nonpharmacological strategies for the evaluation and management of sleep disturbances in older adults was conducted. In total, 12 systematic reviews and a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, including acupressure (n=3), music therapy (n=1), bright light therapy (n= 6), and clinical practice guidelines (n=2), were analyzed. The grading of recommendations, assessment, development, and evaluation was used to evaluate the quality of evidence and guide recommendations. A modified Delphi method was used to develop guidelines for the applicability of different nonpharmacological interventions, such as acupressure (1-4 minutes at each point for 5-20 minutes, thrice a week for 4 weeks; strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence) and music therapy (20 minutes before sleep and 2 days per week for 3 weeks; strong recommendation, moderate-quality evidence). The efficacy of bright light therapy for older adults with sleep disturbances requires further evaluation (weak recommendation, low-quality evidence). There were two clinical and two methodological experts in the panel, who recommended the application of nonpharmacological intervention guidelines in clinical practice. Thirty health care providers also opined that the guidelines were feasible for implementation. The efficacy of nonpharmacological strategies to resolve sleep disturbances in older adults were defined in the guidelines. The implementation of these guidelines might reduce the demand of sedatives and sleep medications.


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