  • 期刊


Application of Virtual Reality in Stroke Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study


動作與功能性失能常見於腦中風存活者。過去十年,體感技術被當作一項輔助儀器並應用於復健,使用者可以透過聲音與視覺的回饋和虛擬實境互動。本研究目的探討以動作任務為導向的虛擬實境訓練,應用於慢性腦中風復健的成效。本研究設計為隨機對照試驗,將14位腦中風病人隨機分為虛擬實境組與傳統物理治療組。結果顯示經由六週的介入後,虛擬實境組的傅格梅爾評估量表(p=.018)、10公尺行走測試(p=.018)在後測有顯著的進步,而傳統物理治療組僅在傅格梅爾評估量表(p= .043)達到顯著的進步。但兩組間上肢功能、平衡、行走能力與憂鬱程度前後測的改變量並沒有顯著差異。本研究結果顯示以動作任務為導向的虛擬實境訓練似乎是可以取代部份的傳統物理治療訓練。


虛擬實境 腦中風 平衡 行走 動作功能


Motor and functional disabilities are commonly seen among stroke survivors. As an assistive device, motion-sensing technique has been used in rehabilitation in the past decade. Users can interact with virtual reality (VR) through auditory and visual feedback. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of the application of VR on stroke rehabilitation. A randomized controlled trial was used to conduct this research. Fourteen stroke survivors were randomly assigned into VR or traditional physical therapy group. After 6 weeks intervention, there were significant improvements in FMA-UE (p= .018) and 10WMT (p= .018) in the VR group. However, there were significant improvements in FMA-UE (p= .043) in the traditional physical therapy group. Moreover, no significant differences in upper limb motor function, balance, ambulation, and depression between groups were found. The results of this study demonstrated that the task-oriented VR training seemed to be able to replace part of traditional physical therapy training.


virtual reality stroke balance ambulation motor function


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