  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Client with Myasthenia Crisis in the ICU




This article describes the care of a 27-year-old woman who is difficulty in ventilator weaning due to the myasthenia crisis, and feel at a loss of care for the recovery and future of the disease. The author used the holistic assessment as an assessment tool during the care process from August 27 to September 7, 2020, and found that the patient had health problems of ineffective breathing pattern, pain and powerlessness. In addition to providing acute care, such as maintain oxygenation and teach pulmonary rehabilitation exercises, and relieve pain measures, but also through active care, listen and guide patient to express the views of the sick and worry, jointly formulate pulmonary rehabilitation plans and gradually participate in self-care activities, and give encouragement to enhance self-confidence. In addition, We also work with their families to make the case feel loved and turn their negative emotions into positive attitudes. Therefore, it is hoped that by sharing this nursing experience, it is suggested that in addition to focusing on acute care, nurses in the ICU should also pay attention to assessing the patient's psychological state and emotions, so as to help rebuild self-worth with a positive attitude and make the recovery process smoother.


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許向妤、楊麗玉(2016)‧運用整體力量模式協助一位無力感之腎衰竭病患接受透析治療之護理經驗‧高雄護理雜誌,33(1),63-71 。 http://doi.org/10.6692/KJN-2016-33-1-7
