  • 期刊


Factors Influencing Choice of Hospital by Pregant Women an Application of Cluster Analysis


本研究以婦產科的生產醫療服務為例,探討產婦顧客如何依醫院選擇決策的不同來進行市場區隔。本研究以集群分析(cluster analysis)的方法,以五項選擇就醫的考慮因素:醫護人員的表現、完整性照護、就診等候時問、醫院可近性及醫院的名氣規模,對在南部三家性質的不同婦產科醫院的339位產婦進行集群分類。集群分析法將全部顧客共區分為三群,全部樣本優先重視的皆為醫療服務的核心產品 即醫護人員的表現,但重視的強度與其它項目重視排序則有明顯不同。第一群為「整體重視組」,即全部變項因素皆重視者,第二群為「重視核心產品與醫院的名氣規模組」即重視醫護人員表現與醫院的名氣規模,而第三群則為「特別重視核心產品組」,即特別重視醫護人員的表現。本研究依集群分類結果比較集群間的社會人口學組成的差異並對三家不同性質的醫院提出行銷建議並討論其管理意涵。


醫院選擇 決策 集群分析 産婦


Identify population subgroups with similar decision-making style in hospital selection could assist health care marketing. The aims of this study were to examine factors considered on hospital selection, to classify postpartum women in terms of decision-making styles in selecting hospital. From a purposive sample of 339 postpartum women from three hospitals, the performance of clinicians, providing full-care service, waiting time during the process of care, hospital accessibility, the word of mouth and the size of hospital, were considered as important factors. Cluster analysis of the hospital choice produced three clusters: one cluster that consider all factors are important, the other cluster considers clinicians' performance, the word of mouth, and hospital size as the most important, and the third cluster takes the clinicians' performance as first priority. Demographic profiles for three clusters were presented, and key healthcare marketing strategies for specific segment appropriate to individual hospital were discussed.
