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Position-Taking and Distinction: The Writer's Image and Literary Performance of Li Ang during 1980s


李昂在台灣當代文學的重要性,由目前相關的學術論文累積可見一斑,並且大多數的研究焦點都是集中在文本的內緣分析。相形之下,將李昂放在台灣當代文學場域裡進行文學主客體之間的互動性觀察,顯得較為缺乏。1978年李昂自美返台後,她開始以另一種更自覺而且鮮明的作家形象再次進入文學場域,在此中開闢出某個既應合社會時代又具備個人特殊性的美學位置。李昂在八○年代的文學定位,不僅銜繼了她早期的寫作軌跡,更是決定她在九○年代愈形多變的文學表現的關鍵。因此,這篇論文以李昂在八○年代的文學活動為研究核心,藉助布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)分析文化生產的幾個啟發性概念:文學場域、習性、資本、位置、佔位、區隔等等,來輔助思考作家與文學場域之間的相互作用。討論重點集中在下列幾個問題:八○年代初出現的快速轉變的政治社會環境以及新興的文化生產條件,對文學場域造成哪些結構性的影響?如何觀察李昂在八○年代文學場域裡的定位過程?作家的文學習性、資本數量如何決定她在場域中的位置?象徵地位如何取得?將李昂放置在八○年代的文學場域內來思考,對於我們較全面而宏觀地掌握李昂近30年來的文學活動,應該是個重要且必要的起點。


李昂 文學場域 位置 佔位 區隔


One can tell the important significance of feminist author Li Ang in Modern Taiwanese Literature by the number of academic papers by numerous scholars published over the past years with her works as their subject of analysis. However, the main focus discussed in most of these papers lean heavily on the intrinsic analysis of text. Putting Li Ang into the literary field of Modern Taiwanese Literature to observe the interaction of the subject and object over literature is comparatively scarce. Since Li Ang returned from the U.S. in 1978, with another self-conscious style and vivid self image, she enters literary field once more. With this unique characteristic, she shaped for herself a special artistic position that fits in to the current society and point in time and yet retain distinctive individuality. Li Ang's identity in 80's literature, not only led her to continue on the writing track of earlier works, but also set the key factor that lead to the gradual, dramatic changes of her literary expression in the 90's. For this reason, this study would like to focus on Li Ang's works and literary activities of the 80's, with the aid of Pierre Bourdieu's theory to the following enlighten concepts: literary field, habitus, capital, position, position-taking, distinction and so on to help in pondering on the interaction between the author and the literary field. The focus of this study would be in answering these following questions: How does the rapid change in political and social environment as well as the emerging new cultural production terms of the 80's influence on the structure of literary field? How to observe Li Ang's process of positioning in the 80's literary field? The author's habitus and number of capital, how do these factors decide her position in the literary field? How to acquire the symbolic position? Placing Li Ang into the 80's literary field to reflect and ponder is essential for us to have a comprehensive, macroscopic view of author Li Ang's literary activities over the past thirty years, marking an important and necessary starting point.


Li Ang Literary Field Position Position-Taking Distinction


