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The Development of a Taiwanese Poet in the Diaspora: Yang Mu's Prose Peregrinations Abroad



作為一個台灣本土人,當代台灣作家王靖獻(筆名楊牧)以其與現代派、鄉土主義、抒情風格、文學研究及散文的錯綜複雜的聯繫而在台灣文學史上占有一個幾近獨特的位置。雖然他以詩歌著名,但他也寫了大量的散文。本文試圖精研楊牧的幾篇最重要的散文,並指出這種研究有助於闡明楊牧生活的其他方面,尤其是他的詩作。這些作品都闡述著楊牧在美國-他的第二故鄉-的種種經歷。由於他是一個移民,他能夠反思人在美國的陌生感,有時是異化感,比如說,美國的廣闊空間以及社會保守性與他在台灣感受到的人流與群體文化形成了巨大的反差。 他也寫了很多他作為一個研究生在加州大學伯克利分校的經歷,以及他的幾個最重要的良師。這些經歷有助於形成他的文學敏感性及敬業精神,並對他日後形成何種類型的作家產生了巨大影響。在他的作品中貫穿著作者的包容性和寬容性。 最重要的是:楊牧是一個兼容並包的詩人,一個研究比較文學的學者,和一個文化上的多元知識份子。


離散 散文 流亡 柏克萊精神 包含性 漢學家


The contemporary Taiwanese author Wang Ching-hsien (penname: Yang Mu) occupies a nearly unique position in modern literature from Taiwan as a native Taiwanese with complex affiliations to modernism, nativism, lyricism, literary scholarship, and prose. He is best known for his poetry but he is a prolific writer of prose essays as well. Most of the scholarship on him in English focuses on his poetry. This essay seeks to examine more carefully several of Yang Mu's most important essays, and it suggests that such an examination sheds important light on the other facets of Yang Mu's life, in particular his poetry. The essays also all dwell on various experiences that Yang Mu had in the United States, his adopted second homeland. As an immigrant, Yang Mu is able to reflect on the strangeness and sometimes alienating dimensions of the United States, such as the wide-open spaces and social reserve of Americans in contrast with the crowds and more group-oriented culture he perceived in Taiwan. He also wrote extensively about his experiences as a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley and some of his most important mentors. These experiences helped shape his literary sensibilities and work ethic and had a dramatic impact on the kind of writer Yang Mu came to be. The one consistent point running through his essays is the author's sense of inclusivity and tolerance. Above all, Yang Mu is an eclectic poet and scholar of comparative literature, and a culturally hybrid intellectual.


Diaspora Prose Exile Berkeley Spirit Inclusivity Sinologist


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