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Translating Taiwan Literature into Foreign Languages in the Cold War Era: The Operation of USIS Book Translation Program (1952-1962)


本研究主要探討美國權力如何介入台灣文學的外譯工作。透過美國國家檔案局的檔案(NARA),試圖說明在文化冷戰下的台灣,美國新聞處透過譯書計畫(Book Translation Program)、「中國報告計畫」(China ReportingProgram)和「台灣報告計畫」(Taiwan Reporting Program),將台灣文學推介到西方世界。本文將戰後台灣文學的外譯置入文化冷戰的背景,認為這些工作主要是為了與共產中國的文化宣傳對抗,並且是為了支持自由中國的文化正統而展開。首先,美新處透過調查台灣出版市場,釐清並定位台灣為東亞主要的中文閱讀市場之一,致力於發展內部出版和對外推介台灣文學。其次,美新處尋求在地文學社群、出版社的合作,籌劃Heritage Press系列叢書,使得台灣文學首次有系統地被介紹到國外。這些戰後台灣「新」(new)世代作家的創作,有些就是其初登文壇之作,而就因此以英文的面貌進入東南亞,甚至登上世界的舞台。本研究最終認為,並非諸如美新處長「喜愛文學」等個人因素,而是「譯書計畫」決定了台灣文學的外譯,因此應該將台灣文學外譯的時間點提前到1950年代。同時,美新處的外譯叢書中,所展現的中國性(台灣性)、現代性、反共性與人性,其實服膺了當時美國與自由中國的政治目標,呈現台灣文學外譯中的政治因素,並與文化冷戰直接關連。


This paper mainly focuses on how the U.S. Power to intervene in the translation of Taiwan literature into foreign languages. By checking the archives of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the paper argues that USIS introduced Taiwan literature into the Western world through the Book Translation Program, China Reporting Program and Taiwan Reporting Program. From the perspective of the Cultural Cold War, these programs mainly played the role of cultural propaganda against communist China and supported the cultural orthodoxy of free China. First, USIS made a survey of publishing markets to clarify that Taiwan was one of the main reading markets in East Asia, and endeavored to develop internal publication and external promotion of Taiwan literature. Second, USIS cooperated with local literary communities, planed the series of Heritage Press, and made Taiwan literature systematically introduced to foreign markets. The postwar Taiwan "new" generation writers, some of them made their debut on the literary scene, had their works translated into English and circulated in Southeast Asia, or even took a step onto the world stage. The paper concludes that it is the Book Translation Program that had made a turning point of the translation of Taiwan literature, rather than the USIS PAO's personal factors of loving literature. Therefore, the time frame of translation of Taiwan literature should retrospect to the 1950s. Meanwhile, the characteristics of the series of Heritage Press revealing Chineseness (Taiwaneseness), Moderity, Anticommunist, and human nature adhere to the political goals of the United States and free China and show the political factors of Taiwan literature, as well as their direct link with the Cultural Cold War.




