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The Power of Discourses and Historical Writings: Discussion on the Story Types, Canon of Chants and Its Mechanism of Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei in the Qing Dynasty




寧靖王 五妃 朱一貴事件 方志 典律


This paper aims to explore the story types of "Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei (five concubines of Prince Ning-Jing), "and finds out the mechanism of forming the canon for chanting Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei in the Qing Dynasty, especially how the chants of Wufei overtopped that of Prince Ning-Jing. On the one hand, this paper examines the story types of Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei from both official and non-official document systems, and finds that the official document system obviously had a better visibility and greater cultural power. Particularly, when the literature history had not yet been developed at that time, local gazetteers (Fang Zhi) certainly contained a strong official ideology and had the function of literary dissemination and influence mechanisms. On the other hand, through the official document system, this paper examines the discourses of canon of chants in Taiwan gazetteers, and shows that there are two factors influencing the formation of canon of chants. The explicit factor is the compilation of the Taiwan gazetteers over the years and repeatedly writing chant poems about Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei; while the hidden factor is Zhu Yi-Gui Incident (朱一貴事件). Before that, we see that the chants of Wufei had slightly surpassed that of Prince Ning- Jing in Taiwan Xian Zhi (臺灣縣志), which was mainly revised by Wang Li (王禮)and compiled by Chen Wen Da (陳文達). And later, Fan Xian's (范咸) compilation of Revising Taiwan's Fuzhi (重修臺灣府志) in which profoundly shows its exemplary signifi cance of chanting. In particular, through Fan Xian's compilation, Chen Yuan Tu's (陳元圖) "The biography of Ming Prince Ning-Jing" (明寧靖王傳) contains even more exemplary meaning. Furthermore, Liu Shi Qi(六十七) and Fan Xian repaired the grave, erected a tombstone, and wrote representative chant poems for Wufei. It was not long before Lu Ding Mei (魯鼎梅) repaired wufei's tombstone again. Deng Chuan An (鄧傳安) also advocated the establishment of Yi Tian (義田) for Wufei's tombstone for the reason of "sustainable operation." Obviously, all of these can be seen as a trace of "official production."


