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The History of Cultural Interpretation from "Reportage Literature" to "Non-fiction Writing": What is the Methodological Thinking Oriented to Reality




Documentary literature in Taiwan as a literary development has long been an important way for Taiwan literature to intervene in society. With a framework and context that is heavily influenced by reportage literature, it is a genre that integrates two major elements: journalism and literature. From the perspective of Taiwan literary history, this type of literary and cultural interaction between global sites is not an uneven relationship, but rather one of mutual influence. This paper will collate the developments of reporting literature in Taiwan and China, and expose the reasons why "non-fiction writing" has taken root in Taiwan. By grafting itself upon the literature of reporting, "non-fiction writing" has also formed an emerging genre or cultural phenomenon. The decline of reportage literature has also caused the emergence of "non-fiction writing". Furthermore, the development of nonfiction writing in Taiwan and China has produced cultural resonances. Non-fiction writing in Taiwan is a reflection on literature, but non-fiction writing in China is a satire on politics. The evolution from reportage literature to non-fiction writing is a gradual emergence from volts, as Future Studies' "Emergent Issue Analysis" suggests. In this process, the term "non-fiction writing" was invoked in response to the plight of "publishing," "academia," and "writers" in their respective developmental dilemmas and anxieties in the cultural industry.


正午故事編,《正午故事 001:我穿牆過去》(中國廣西:廣西師範大學出版社,2015.12)。
李時雍主編,《百年降生:1900-2000 台灣文學故事》(台北:聯經出版事業公司,2018.10)。
