  • 期刊


Micro Electrochemical Milling by Using Magnetic Field Assisted Helical Tool


本研究提出一種新穎的加工方式,利用磁場輔助精微螺旋電極,進行微電化學銑削(Electrochemical micro milling, EMM),以製作微孔、微流道及3D微結構。當磁場作用於精微螺旋電極所帶動之電解液時,產生之勞倫茲力有助於電解液的更新及加工效率的提升。根據實驗的結果;在磁場輔助之下,微孔於磁鐵0°擺放的微孔孔徑較180°擺放為小,且在電極不旋轉的情況下,向上進給加工確實可以改善擴孔量,並減少孔入口端周遭的雜散電流腐蝕區域面積。而槽道加工進給率將可由5μm/sec提高到8μm/sec。除此之外,溝槽的寬度及深度也將各自減少至344μm及98μm。而溝槽之表面粗糙度亦由Ra1.26μm(Rmax 6.5μm)降低到Ra 0.54μm(Rmax 4.47μm)。研究結果顯示,磁場輔助電化學加工將可提升加工效率、精度及表面粗糙度,達到節能減碳之目的。


The study presents a novel process of micro hole, micro channels and 3D micro structures in electrochemical milling by using magnetic field assisted helical tool. A helical tool and Lorentz force of the magnetic field are utilized to enhance the renewal of the electrolyte and machining efficiency. According to the experimental results, the machined hole at magnet angle of 0 degree is smaller than the hole at magnet angle of 90 degree and the electrolytic current can be raised and stable under the magnetic field assisted. Furthermore, the diameter difference between entrance and exit is substantially improved in upward feed mode.the feed rate can be raised from 5μm/sec to 8μm/sec under the magnetic field assisted. Furthermore, groove width and groove depth are reduced to 344 μm and 98 μm respectively. The surface roughness also can be reduced from Ra 1.26μm (Rmax 6.5μm) to Ra 0.54μm (Rmax 4.47μm). The study shows that the magnetic field assisted approach indeed can improve machining efficiency, accuracy and surface roughness.


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