  • 期刊


The Operation and Re-Chinalization of State Power in Taiwan after World War II, 1945 - 1947


1945 年臺灣省行政長官公署接管臺灣後,執行「去日本化」、「再中國化」的文化政策,強調增強民族意識,廓清奴化思想,實施民族主義的「心理建設」為原則,改造受日人「奴化教育」,以「三民主義教育」、「民族精神教育」與「中國文化教育」等,作為戰後臺灣教育文化核心內容。包括變更日治時的街道名稱、地名與校名,公告查禁「皇民化」與「大東亞戰爭」等書籍,出版具有濃厚「中國文化」與「三民主義」之圖書;接管後各級學校重視國語文、歷史、三民主義與公民等科,並研訂教員審核與檢驗辦法,曾任皇民奉公會等職者不得參加教員甄審。行政長官公署規定各報1946 年10 月25 日前全部取消所有日文欄,成立「省國語推行委員會」,主張恢復方言來學習國語;並由行政長官公署宣傳委員會負責電影審查等工作,這些工作都展現出國家的想像共同體與濃厚的文化霸權意識。


After taking over Taiwan in 1945, the Taiwan Provincial Governor's Office carried out the cultural policies of "de-Japanization" and "re-Chinalization" to emphasize the strengthening of national consciousness, the elimination of enslavement and the implementation of nationalistic "psychological construction" in order to change the Japanese "enslavement education" and use the "education of the Three People's Principles", "education of national spirit" and "Chinese cultural education" as the core content of Taiwan's education culture after World War II. This includes the change of street names, location names and school names used in the Japanese occupation period, and the banning of books on "Japanization (Kominka)" and the "Great East Asian War" but the publishing of books with a strong meaning of "Chinese culture" and "Three People's Principles". After the takeover, schools paid attention to national language, history, Three People's Principles, civics and so forth. In addition, the teacher auditing and inspection method was developed which required that those who served for Kominhokokai could not participate in the teacher screening. The Governor's Office provided for the removal of all Japanese columns in all newspapers by October 25, 1946, the establishment of the "Taiwan Province Mandarin Carrying-out Committee" and the resumption of dialects for the study of the national language. Moreover, the Publicity Committee of the Governor's Office was responsible for the film review work. All such work shows the nation's imagined communities and a strong cultural hegemony consciousness.


王聿均、孫斌合編(1977),《中央研究院近代史研究所史料叢刊 3 朱家驊先生言論集》,臺北:中央研究院近代史研究所。
