  • 期刊


Chen Ben Li's Works and Characteristics of the Academic Research




陳本禮 藏書家 治學特色 揚州


Collecting books in private was once popular in Qing dynasty and many famous books collectors appeared one after another. The number of books collectors tops any other dynasty. Also, most of them lived in Jiangnan district. They had a great contribution for preserving chinese culture. Among them, Chen Ben Li and Chen Feng Heng, who also lived in the area, collected lots of books and left many works. However, they were nearly obscure for their folk status. So the author, on the one hand, aims to introduce Chen Ben Li's works to show his passion and results on the academic research. On the other hand, the author attempts to focus on Chen Ben Li's characteristics of the academic research, dividing Chen Ben Li's research method into four points in hope of associating these methods with his identity as a books collector.
