  • 期刊


On the Development of Tatemori Ko, a Sinologist in Japanese Colonial Period


日治時期日本漢學家館森鴻於寓臺23年(1895~1917)間,發表經史論著、人物傳記、序贊碑銘、山川遊記、詩歌(漢詩、和歌、俳句)等,凡700 篇(首)以上。其作品的重要性、學術價值及對臺灣日治時期學術發展的影響,已漸受到學界矚目。而追根溯源,探究館森氏受教歷程,學識背景,分析其學問養成之道,乃論證其作品內涵的基礎,為值得探討的課題。本篇以館森鴻幼受庭訓,至應聘來臺任官之前,接受教育及創作的詩文為討論中心。全文分三節:(一)緒言,說明研究館森鴻的目的與意義,及介紹本文所採用的年代與人物。(二)本論,列舉8位師長對館森鴻教導,依其學問養成的過程,分為3期:(1)氣仙沼的青少年階段。(2)東京的研修階段。(3)返故鄉沉潛階段。(三)結論,確認館森氏學問的養成,奠基於故里氣仙沼;繼之,在東京鑽研而加深;其學問文才,在日治時期臺灣所發表的作品裡得到了證實。


Tatemori Ko is a Japanese scholar of Chinese literature in the period when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. During the 23 years of his stay in Taiwan (from 1895 to 1917), he published more than 700 pieces of work, including writings on Confucianism, history, and poetry (Chinese-style poetry, waka, and haiku). The significance of his works, their academic value, and influence on the academic enhancement of Taiwan under the Japanese rule have gradually drawn attention of the academic community.We now take the opportunity to track Tatemori's academic history, search the background of his knowledge, and analyze the process in which his scholarship had been formed. We believe it would be a fundamental element in reasoning the essential qualities of his works; and a theme worth studying.In this paper, we will uncover the kind of education Tatemori received and the creative environment in which he was placed, from his familial upbringing in early childhood to the time he accepted invitation to Taiwan, and became appointed to office. The whole paper consists of 3 parts: (I) Preamble: Explaining the purpose and meaning of studying about Tatemori Ko, and introducing the dates and persons involved in the paper. (II) Main Subject: Showing Tatemori's training/guidance by eight teachers. The process in which Tatemori's scholarship was formed may be classified into 3 periods: (1) Period of youth spent in Kesennuma; (2) Period of study and training in Tokyo; (3) Period between homecoming and voyage to Taiwan. (III) Conclusion: Confirming the fact that the foundation of Tatemori's academic career was laid in his home town of Kesennuma, and later enhanced and intensified in Tokyo. Furthermore, commenting on the background setting which supported the formation of Tatemori's scholarship and literary talent.


