  • 期刊


Inquiry into the Model of East Asia Economic Development-The Impact of China's Rapid Rise


本文主旨在於重新討論1980年代以來歐美學者所大力贊譽的東亞經濟發展模式-即指以台、日、韓為代表的工業化歷程與企業發展系統。重新討論的主要著眼點在於1997年發生的亞洲金融風暴與90年代以來中國的快速發展,均帶給亞洲包括東亞經濟在內的莫大衝擊,而這些事件及其對東亞經濟發展模式的影響,學者並未完全充分討論。 本文接著分析亞洲金融風暴,的確對東亞經濟的某些傳統特徵如政府產業政策、企業集團運作與政府與企業的關係帶來莫大負面影響;此外中國經濟的快速興起及其對東亞各國政經的競爭與挑戰,也必須使吾人重新思考今後東亞經濟發展的方向。最後本文提出東亞經濟發展模式在整個全球化時代,應如何重新適應與定位的策略。


The focus of this paper is to discuss the East Asia Economic Development model, which has been so intensely studied and acclaimed since 1980's. The tenet of East Asia Economic Development and its related concept of East Asia Business System is that Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, these representative East Asian economies, have developed a unique way of coordinating economic activities and carrying out business governance in the process of industrialization and capital deepening. However, Asian financial crisis in 1997 and the rapid rise of Chinese Economy since late nineties have both strongly reshaped traditional view toward East Asia model and their effect still remains to be evaluated. We then discuss the possibility of traditional East Asian Economy model being expanded to include the emerging case of China. Finally it is proposed that a cooperative framework should be built among early-developed East Asian countries and China to achieve greater benefit for all.


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