  • 期刊

以宏觀經濟學視角論中國人民幣升值與外資進入 房價上漲關係實證研究

An empirical study on the relationship between RMB appreciation and foreign investment and housing price increase from the perspective of Macroeconomics




This article is based on an endogenous capital spillover effect model under the three arbitrage framework. In the "arbitrage", "set price" and "arbitrage", this paper restudies the relationship between the large-scale inflow of foreign capital and the rising price of house prices in the context of the continuous appreciation of China's RMB. The number of foreign-funded enterprises is positively related to the number of domestic enterprises, and the positive relationship between the appreciation expectation of China's RMB and the inflow of foreign capital is only a non-equilibrium state that has not reached the maximum profit. All these conclusions have been supported by the results of the cubic 2SLS estimate of the 30 Provincial Panel Data Union in 2009-2017 years. It is also found that there is no obvious interaction between house price and foreign capital, and only the "arbitrage" motivation is confirmed in the three arbitrage factor of foreign capital flow. Finally, we have checked the dynamic mechanism of the three by panel VaR and panel error correction model, and the result shows that in the long term it is high house price. Attracting foreign investment into the real estate industry, the expectation of RMB appreciation is not obviously attracting foreign capital inflow in the long run, but it has greatly promoted the rise of house prices.


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