  • 期刊

An Introductory Study of Hakka Literature and Its Humanism



This short paper explores relationship between the expression of the text and the content of the subject matter by analyzing the literary works of the Hakka Sage writers and proposes the concept of social Embeddedness and localization of human values in society. Regardless the language expression or the subject of the writing of the authors of the Hakka literature, the main purpose is to explore the underlying spirit of the whole Hakka group in the history of human development. This paper also applies the concept of deep social structure and the revival of Hakka humanism to explain the future of Hakka literature. In addition to the emphasis on literary content and writing skills, more importantly, the mission of writers is to embody the consciousness of Hakka people. That is how the expression of culture, humanism and arts can be expressed through words, so that more people can understand the orientation of such a humanistic spirit.




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