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Begonia Bamaensis (Sect. Coelocentrum, Begoniaceae), a New Species from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China



本文發表中國廣西產秋海棠屬一新種植物:巴馬秋海棠(Begonia bamaensis),並報導其染色體數目(2n=30)。此新種略似卷毛秋海棠,不同在於葉上表面密生短剛毛或糙硬毛,並在主脈間有白色條斑;托葉背面光滑無毛或僅在主脈上有些許毛;花序梗被柔毛或疏被柔毛;雄花的外花被片7-14.5×7-13.5 mm;子房表面有白色或紅色的柔毛;蒴果長7-12 mm,背翅明顯向一側彎曲。以電子顯微鏡觀察巴馬秋海棠的葉片下表面,發現其氣孔複合體高度隆起,此在秋海棠屬植物甚為罕見。巴馬秋海棠為稀有植物,目前僅知生長於廣西巴馬瑤族自治縣兩個近鄰的石灰岩溶洞洞口附近。如同許多其他秋海棠屬側膜組植物,其葉片具斑紋,綠白相間,頗具觀賞價值。


Begonia bamaensis Yan Liu & C.-I Peng, a new species of sect. Coelocentrum from Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region, China, is described and illustrated. Its somatic chromosome number (2n =30) is here reported. Begonia bamaensis is somewhat similar to B. cirrosa L.B. Smith & D.C. Wasshausen, differing in the leaves adaxially densely setulose or hispidulous and adorned with white bands or white patches between major veins; stipules abaxially glabrous or with few hairs along midrib; peduncle pilose or sparsely so; staminate flower with outer tepals 7-14.5×7-13.5 mm; ovary whitish or reddish pilose; capsule 7-12 mm long, and abaxial wing of capsule distinctly curved on one side. SEM micrographs of leaves of B. bamaensis revealed prominently elevated stomata complex, which is unique for the genus Begonia. Like many congeners in sect. Coelocentrum, B. bamaensis is a handsome species with variegated leaves. It has a restricted distribution, currently known only from two nearby karst caves in western Guangxi.
