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Two New Species of Hypodematium (Hypodematiaceae) from Limestone Areas in Guangdong, China



本文報導中國廣東產腫足蕨屬兩新種:矮腫足蕨(Hypodematium humile)和毛葉腫足蕨(H. villosum),提供線繪圖以資辨別,並報導其孢粉形態、生態和保育狀況。毛葉腫足蕨與福氏腫足蕨(H. fordii)相似,但葉柄基部以上無毛,葉面兩面連同葉軸和羽軸密被灰白色的細長針狀毛長約1mm,裂片先端急尖,可資區別。矮腫足蕨與腺毛腫足蕨(H. glandulosum)近似,不同在於葉長僅8-11cm,葉片兩面連同葉軸和羽軸下麵疏被球杆狀腺毛,囊群蓋早落,可資區別。文中提供中國廣東腫足蕨屬種的檢索表,並討論了腫足蕨屬與大膜蓋蕨屬的系統關係。


Hypodematium humile F. G. Wang & F. W. Xing and H. villosum F. G. Wang & F. W. Xing, two new species of Hypodematiaceae from Guangdong, southern China, are described and illustrated. Their spore morphology, ecology and conservation status are also presented. Hypodematium villosum differs from H. fordii in having glabrous petiole except on the base, both surfaces of lamina, rachis and costa densely covered with long acicular hairs ca. 1 mm long, and apex of pinnulets acute. Hypodematium humile differs from H. glandulosum in having leaves 8-11 cm long with both surfaces of lamina, rachis and costa sparsely covered with rod-shaped glandular hairs and caducous indusium. A key to the species of Hypodematium known from Guangdong Province is provided. The systematic relationship of Hypodematium with Leucostegia is also discussed.
