  • 期刊

Comparison of Ceriops pseudodecanda sp. nov. (Rhizophoraceae), a New Mangrove Species in Australasia, with Related Species



分布廣泛的細蕊紅樹屬(Ceriops)包含三種紅樹林植物:澳洲細蕊紅樹(C. australis)、印度細蕊紅樹(C. decandra)與細蕊紅樹(C. tagal)之看法至今仍廣爲接受。然而,近年的研究發現原來所認知的C. decandra實則包含三個分類群,C. decandra、齊氏細蕊紅樹(C. zippeliana)和一新-擬印度細蕊紅樹(C. pseudodecandra)。本文即報導此一產於澳洲、巴布亞新幾內亞及印尼的新種紅樹林植物,數十年來本物種一直被錯誤地認定爲C.decandra。本新種較接近於C. decandra與C. zippeliana,且表現出若干介於此兩者之間之形態特性;除此,分子生物學的證據亦支持C. pseudodecandra成爲一新種的地位。本文提供了新種植物與其相近種的描述、繪圖和分布、本屬植物的檢索表及此三種相近物種間的詳盡比較與討論。


The notion that the widespread mangrove genus Ceriops consists of three species, C. australis (White) Ballment, Smith & Stoddart, C. decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou and C. tagal (Perr.) C. B. Rob., is still widely accepted. However, our recent studies have shown that the previously recognized species Ceriops decandra can be separated into three species, C. decandra, C. zippeliana Blume and Ceriops pseudodecandra sp. nov. Sheue, Liu, Tsai & Yang based on morphological and molecular evidence. The last entity is newly described in this treatment, which has been misapplied with the name C. decandra for several decades in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Seram, New Guinea (Irian Jaya) of Indonesia. Morphologically, the new species is more similar to C. decandra and C. zippeliana than to C. australis and C. tagal. Furthermore, molecular phylogenetic analysis also supports the notion that C. pseudodecandra is distinctly a new species. Here, the botanical descriptions with an illustration and the distribution ranges of the related species are provided. A key to differentiate species of Ceriops and a comparison with an emphasis on these three morphologically similar species are given as well.
