  • 期刊

Seed Fate of Castanopsis indica (Fagaceae) in a Subtropical Evergreen Broadleaved Forest



我們在一個1公頃的永久樣區內執行一個種子散播實驗,將320粒的印度苦櫧(Castanopsis indica)種子植入磁鐵,使用金屬探測器來檢視種子散播後的分布模式,並追蹤種子的命運及幼苗建立的情形。為了記錄取食種子的動物,我們分別在印度苦櫧的樹冠層及地被層設置4個紅外線自動照相機及一組無線網路攝影機,台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)、大赤鼯鼠(Petaurista philippensis)和赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)是樹冠層主要的種子取食者;刺鼠(Niviventer coxingi)則是地被層主要的種子取食者。大部分被刺鼠散播的種子距離都在20公尺內,平均距離是6.8公尺,最遠的距離是21.6公尺。所有被偵測到的種子或種子碎片有54%被儲藏在深度1公分的腐植層中。大部分被散播的種子命運都是被動物吃掉,僅有一粒被上標的種子成功建立幼苗。此研究結果提供我們清楚地了解此研究地區印度苦櫧的更新動態,且顯示老鼠散播儲藏的行為相似於一些溫帶森林。


To make comparisons with ecological patterns in temperate forests, we tracked the fates of Castanopsis indica seeds from the parent tree through first-year seedling survival in a subtropical forest in Taiwan. We used 320 magnet-inserted seeds and a magnetic locator to examine the post-dispersal pattern and seed fates of Castanopsis indica in a 1 ha permanent plot. To identity potential seed predators, we set up four automatic infrared cameras and a video camera in the C. indica canopy and on the forest floor. Macaca cyclopis, Petaurista philippensis and Callosciurus erythraeus predated seed in the canopy and Niviventer coxingi was a major predator and disperser on the ground. Rodents dispersed seeds only a short distance (mean=6.8 m±4.9 SD). Most of the dispersed seeds were found within 20 m from the experimental stations where they were initially released, and the maximum dispersal distance was 21.6 m. The hoarding depth of all found seeds or seed fragments was ≦ 10 cm, and 54% of the dispersed seeds were found in the top one cm of the litter layer. Almost all of the dispersed seeds (52.8%) were finally eaten by animals, and only one tagged seed successfully established a seedling. These results provide for a clear understanding of the regeneration dynamics of the C. indica population at this study site. This study showed that the scatter-hoarding behavior of rodents in the subtropical forest is similar to those in temperate forests.
