  • 期刊

New Botryosphaeriaceae Fruit Rot of Mango in Taiwan: Identification and Pathogenicity



檬果為臺灣重要果樹之一,近年來於採收後果實上發生嚴重之果腐病。為了瞭解其發生情形及病原菌種類,本研究於2009-2011年在臺灣三個主要檬果產區(枋山、玉井及官田)進行果腐病害調查及病原分離,結果顯示其病害發生率自18.7%至58.1%不等,其中官田地區之發生率更高於玉井及枋山地區。自果腐病斑所分離之病原菌經以形態特性及iTS,β-tubulin(TUB)與EF1-α等基因之序列鑑定後,共發現四種葡萄座腔菌科病原菌,包括Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Neofusicoccum mangiferae, N. parvum及Fusicoccum aesculi。不論是直接接種或先製造傷口再接種,這四種病原菌都可成功感染檬果果實,顯示其均具有病原性,而且L. theobromae之致病力較其它三種病原菌還強。當以生長於檬果樹之未成熟果實進行接種試驗時,發現不需製造傷口,病原菌之分生胞子即可直接感染果實,而且採收之果實在成熟後也會出現果腐病斑。本研究證明檬果果腐病乃由L. theobromae, F. aesculi, N. mangiferae及N. parvum引起,且其分生胞子可能為田間之主要感染源。


檬果 葡萄座腔菌科 果腐病


Mango is an important fruit crop in Taiwan. Recently, severe fruit rot disease was found frequently on harvested mango fruits. To monitor the incidence of disease and to characterize the causal agent, we performed a field survey in the major mango-producing areas of southern Taiwan, including Guntain, Fanshan, and Yujing, during 2009-2011. The results showed a disease incidence ranging from 18.7% to 58.1%, with those of Guntain significantly greater than the incidence found in Yujing and Fanshan. Based on morphological characteristics and nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), β-tubulin gene (TUB) and elongation factor 1-alpha (EF1-α) gene, we identified four Botryosphaeriaceae species, including Fusicoccum aesculi, Neofusicoccum mangiferae, N. parvum, and Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Pathogenicity tests indicated that all of these fungal species were pathogenic to harvested mango fruits, and L. theobromae was the most aggressive pathogen. Moreover, when attached, immature mango fruits were inoculated with conidia of Botryosphaeriaceae species, disease symptoms characteristic of fruit rot appeared on the fruits after harvest and ripening. These findings indicated that L. theobromae, F. aesculi, N. mangiferae, and N. parvum were all causal agents of the new fruit rot of mango. Furthermore, their conidia may serve as important sources of inocula causing fruit rot disease in mango orchards.


Botryosphaeriaceae Fruit rot Mango
