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Spring Raptor Migration Survey for the 3 Northernmost Townships of Taiwan in 1996


台灣北端的春季猛禽遷移狀況在觀音山區與陽明山區皆已有完整的調查,然而毗鄰且更北端的淡水、三芝、石門3鄉鎮卻一直缺乏類似的探查,本調查針對此3鄉鎮區進行初探,於1996年春季3月初至6月中旬進行調查,共計計調查54日。結果共記錄到3科20種4,643隻猛禽。其中3種為留鳥、17種為候鳥。數量最多的種類依序為赤腹鷹(Accipiter soloensis)3,068隻、灰面鵟鷹(Butastur indicus)1,266隻、蜂鷹(Pernis ptilorhynchus)202隻,其他種類皆未超過15隻。灰面鵟鷹的過境資料與中部八卦山相比較後,發現過境本區的灰面鵟鷹比過境八卦山的鷹群約晚3日抵達。兩者間可能無特別的關聯性,或是從八卦山出發的灰面鵟鷹在抵達本區前中途尚有2處夜棲地點。一日內的遷移時程,灰面鵟鷹出現的主要高峰為9~10時之間、赤腹鷹則在8~10時之間。所見猛禽的遷移路徑複維多變,在淡水鎮與三芝鄉交界的海岸線上目擊5次鷹群出境記錄,推測其去向為中國大陸東南沿海。本調查也順便記錄本區的脊椎動物相,結果共得哺乳類13科17種、鳥類49科230種、爬蟲類10科42種、兩棲類5科17種及魚類9科22種。


猛禽遷移 淡水 三芝 石門 脊椎動物相


This survey focused on DanShui, SanZhi, and ShiMen, the 3 northernmost townships of Taiwan. Surveys were conducted there from early March to mid-June 1996. In total, 4643 individual raptors of 20 species were recorded during the 3-month survey. The most numerous species were Chinese Goshawk (Accipiter soloensis), Grey-faced Buzzard (Butastur indicus), and Oriental Honey Buzzard (Pernis ptilorhyncus) with total numbers of 3068,1266, and 202, respectively. All other species' counts were fewer than 15 individuals. A comparison of data of Grey-faced Buzzard with those of BaGua Mt. of central Taiwan showed that the buzzards arrived here 3 days later than at BaGua Mt. This indicates that either they were different populations or they were the same one and there are 2 other overnight roost sites between BaGua Mt. and northernmost Taiwan. 5 instances were recorded of birds flying in a seaward direction. Supposedly they were flying towards the southeastern provinces of China. Vertebrate fauna were also incidentally investigated at the same time. In total, 17 species of mammals, 230 species of birds, 42 species of reptiles, 17 species of amphibians, and 22 species of fishes were recorded.


raptor migration DanShui SanZhi ShiMen vertebrate fauna


