  • 期刊


The Effect of Using Interactive Whiteboard on Sixth Grade Students' Music Rhythm Learning




電子白板 音樂節奏 互動性


The purpose of this study was two folds. The first part of the study aimed to investigate the effect of two modes of using interactive whiteboard (IWB) on elementary music rhythm learning. The second part of the study was conducted to examine the influence of different focus of technical interaction between students and IWB and between the teacher and IWB on sixth grade students' music rhythm learning. A test on music rhythm and a questionnaire on students' learning attitude were administered before and after the experiment. The data was analyzed using statistic methods include One-way ANCOVA and Pearson's correlation.Major findings of this research are listed as follows:1. The test scores of students using IWB as an interactive tool were higher than students using IWB as a presentational tool; The test scores of the group where the focus of interaction was on the student-IWB were higher than the group where the focus of interaction was on the teacher-IWB.2. The attitude scores of students using IWB as an interactive tool were higher than students using IWB as a presentational tool; The attitude scores of the group where the focus of interaction was on the student-IWB were higher than the group where the focus of interaction was on the teacher-IWB.3. Students' test scores and their attitude scores were highly correlated.


