  • 期刊


A Discussion on How the Perceptions of Yin Yang and the Five Elements Influenced Dictionary Collation in the Han Dynasty




爾雅 說文解字 釋名 編輯體例 陰陽五行


The discussion in this paper focuses on how the perceptions of Yin Yang and the Five Elements influenced the three most significant dictionaries in the Han dynasty: Erya, Shuowen Jiezi, and Shiming. On the one hand, this paper studied how the contents and explanations of the dictionaries were made compatible with the principles of collation systems through analysis of the editing "format" of the dictionaries, such as categorization and sequencing of entries, and selection of lexicons. On the other hand, this paper studied the rules of collation and analyzed how Xiaoxue practitioners, or linguists in the Han dynasty, reflected their understanding of Yin Yang and the Five Elements through the establishment of collation systems. This paper first studied how the categorization and lexicons under different entries in Erya were influenced by the perceptions of Yin Yang and the Five Elements. Next, starting from the historical background of Shuowen Jiezi, this paper explored "Shi Yi Zhong Hai" (literally, starting from one and ending at the word Hai), a unique system of organization based on 540 radicals. Finally, this paper studied the organization of entries in Shiming and its selection of lexicons, which were based on the explanation of philosophical teachings in the Han dynasty, reverence to the gods, and the principle that humans lie at the center of everything.


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