  • 期刊


New Novel Production Under the Trend of Social Darwinism-A Case Study of Lu Shiwei


本文探討的焦點,攸關西方「進化論」轉譯進中國之後,形成一股「社會達爾文主義」風潮,如何影響晚清新小說創作。目前學界對此課題關注較少,故本文以「話語研究」及「個案研究」的方式,先行探討被譽為支撐晚清小說第二高峰的小說家陸士諤的作品內涵,主要以《新水滸》(1909)、《新上海》(1909)、《新三國》(1909)、《新中國》(1910) 四部小說為探討核心。具體而言,本文藉由三個面向「告別過去:變法作為一種『進化』」、「想像未來:成為『適者』與『強者』」、「反省現在:對文明與進化的省思」切入,藉此探析出「進化論」的影響之跡,補充晚清小說的相關研究。


The focus of this paper is on how evolution theory influenced the creation of new novels in China. Based on the trend of social Darwinism, this paper discusses the connotations of the novels of the late Qing and discusses the novelist Lu Shiwei, who was responsible for the second peak of the late Qing to the second peak. Specifically, this paper focuses three aspects: "Farewell to the past: Change as an evolution", "Imagine the future: Become the fittest and the strong", "Reflect on the present: Reflection on civilization and evolution", in order to contribute to research into the novels of the late Qing.


陸士諤著、章全標點:《新上海》(上海:上海古籍,1997 年)
陸士諤:《新中國》(北京:中國友誼,2009 年)
陸士諤:《新上海》(上海:上海古籍,1997 年)
陸士諤:《新三國》,收入於張正吾主編:《晚清民國文學研究集刊》第三輯(桂林:漓江,1996 年)
王中江:《進化主義在中國》(北京:首都師範大學出版社,2002 年 12 月)。
