  • 期刊


Development of Environmental Education Concepts on Worsening Environmental Quality by Overuse of Resources for Elementary and Junior High School Curriculum




The purpose of this study was to develop environmental concepts on framework No. 2 for elementary and junior high school curriculum. Frame No. 2 of which the contents relate to worsening environmental quality by overuse of resources is a part of the draft of environmental concepts for the Republic of China. Firstly, the researchers drafted an organizational diagram of this framework and then developed preliminary concepts on the basis of this diagram. Both of the organizational diagram and the concepts were used as the contents of the first round questionnaire in the modified Delphi technique after they had been reviewed by two environmental educators. Next, a total of fourteen scholars and experts were invited to review the questionnaire for three times. Finally, thirty-six concepts were obtained. Apart from the development of concepts, the researchers invited six elementary school teachers to check correspondence between the concepts and the capability indicators of environmental education by using the method of content analysis. Hopefully, the results obtained from this study may provide useful information to textbook writers and elementary and junior high school teachers.


