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A Study on the Relationships between Customer Satisfaction of University Students and Service Quality of Complex Restaurants-Students of Mingdao University as an Example


本研究採量化研究,主要是針對顧客對複合式餐廳服務品質滿意度進行研究。本研究以明道大學學區附近之埤頭鄉、北斗鎮、溪洲鄉內之複合式餐廳爲研究範圍,採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集,以明道大學學生爲樣本,採分層隨機取樣,共計發出問卷340份,回收問卷340份,回收率100%,經剔除無效問卷51份後,有效問卷共計289份,有效問卷率85%。預試問卷以Cronbach's Alpha值建構問卷效度,之後進行資料蒐集,再依資料之性質與目的之不同,以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、Scheffé事後檢定、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson Product-Moment Correlation)與多元迴歸(multiple regression)等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究結果發現如下:(1)大學生顧客背景變項之性別、系別和年級別與其對複合式餐廳服務品質整體滿意度沒有顯著相關。(2)大學生顧客背景變項之住宿狀況與其對複合式餐廳服務品質整體滿意度有顯著差異。(3)服務品質五項構面(有形性、可靠性、反應性、確實性和關懷性)與大學生顧客對服務品質整體滿意度有顯著相關,呈正相關。(4)服務品質五項構面之關懷性、有形性與確實性,對大學生顧客對複合式餐廳服務品質整體滿意度,具有40.20%的顯著預測力。


The objectives of this study are to investigate the relationships between customer satisfaction of university students and service quality of complex restaurants. The subjects of the study were complex restaurants nearby Mingdao university in Changhua County, including 4 complex restaurants. A questionnaire survey was conducted. Totally 289 valid samples were collected, and the valid percentage was 85%. For the quantitative analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis are employed. The statistical results show that there is no obvious correlation among gender, department and grade of students and the service quality of complex restaurants. Secondly, the correlation of students´ residence and the service quality of complex restaurants is obviously relevant. Finally, the correlation of customer satisfaction of university students and service quality of complex restaurants is obvious.


